Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Team Leader?

Wanna be a Team Leader? Please speak up! Maybe a couple of you would like to run the team together? Tell me your ideas.

Kayleigh x

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

New Member!

Hi everyone. We have a wonderful new member! Adrienne from Bath, who is the owner of Go have a look and add to your favourites! She has some wonderful kawaii and anime inspired items.

I've noticed that no one's posted on our Etsy forum thread for a while *slaps wrists*. Please start posting again whenever you can as there's not much point in a silent team!

Hope you're all well and sales are booming. My year started well but has come to an abrupt halt! am i the only one?

Kayleigh x

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Chatroom FAIL

Unfortunately, the gremlins were at work at the Etsy Chatrooms today. I set up a chatroom at 6:50 and at 7:10 just decided to check the chatroom listings as no one had turned up, managed to create a room that worked and Cosmic Creatures turned up. After more waiting and no one coming in we checked again and sure enough, we weren't listed. So if you made it to the chatrooms and couldn't find us there, thanks for turning up anyway.

Dunno why it happened and if it will happen again, but Cosmic Creatures had the idea to just meet at the forums and talk there. They're already open so PLEASE go visit and lets start the ball rolling, then next week we'll arrange a night where we'll all go to the forum and have a chat.

Just a reminder...

That we have our first chatroom meet at 7:00PM tonight.

Password: kawaii

Please be there if you can!!


Sunday, 24 January 2010

We have a team page on the Etsy forums!

Go visit, chat, promote, have fun!

Get to know each other :)

Kayleigh x

Friday, 22 January 2010

Chatroom Meet Arrangements

Wednesday 27th January, 7:00PM


If you are we'll meet at the Etsy chatrooms and i'll set 'kawaii' as a password to stop just anyone coming in.

So remember. Password: kawaii

I don't want anyone getting locked out!


Sunday, 17 January 2010

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone! Hope you had a wonderful christmas and new year! After i return from my boyfriend's on tuesday i will set about FINALLY arranging a chatroom meet. Oooh exciting!

Which reminds me, go check out our lovely new member who i need to add to our member list (don't let me forget!)

Oh and can i ask a big favour? Can you please follow my Wuvvlepop blog? It's just i've started updating regularly but i'm very aware that i have no followers so i'm pretty much talking to myself :D When i get lots of members i'm going to start hosting giveaways and the like, so there are perks ;) thank you ma lovelies! If you want your own blog followed please post a link in the replies so we can all have a see!

Much love, Kayleigh x